The article that I found is an update on a story that originated in 2012. When the boy was 10 years old, he shot his father in the head killing him. The father was the leader of a local National Socialist Movement chapter in California. A not guilty by reason of insanity plea was originally entered. However, his sister's testimony shared that he had planned to kill his father. The plea was then withdrawn and the boy was convicted of second degree murder. He is being sentenced on February 15, 2014 and could face up to 11 years in juvenile detention. The motive for the murder was that the father was abusive and the boy was worried that the father would leave the boy's stepmother for another woman.
I have mixed feelings when it comes to this story. 11 years does not seem like a very severe punishment for murder. However, the boy was only 10 years old and there was reportedly abuse occurring in the home. It just makes me glad that I'm not the person in charge of sentencing him.
The article I read:
I agree with you Justin, I wouldn't want to have that job. It is just so sad to me that children are abused and they have to make the decision to kill someone so that they aren't the ones being abused anymore. I can't imagine how a child must feel when they are in that situation.