Thursday, January 23, 2014

President: marijuana no worse than booze.

Marijuana has been a topic brought up in the news More and more as states decide to make it legal... For medical reasons or recreational. 
President Obama has recently released his thoughts. This link below is to the article related to this post.

Rather than get on hone topic of whether or not it should be legal, I want to discuss the issue being talked about as a "bad habit". 

Is that the same thought as underage drinking? What about marijuana makes it more socially acceptable? 
Schools have issues revolving around alcohol. Schools could potentially have issues revolving around students coming to school high. What is going to stop parents from medicating their children with marijuana?
In addition, students have been suspended for school, placed in alternative schools,  had probation officers, and spent time in juvenile detention all due to marijuana. 
Now even the president is calling it a "bad habit" but we have potentially ruined the futures of some children because of this. 

How do you feel about the publicity around marijuana? 
Do you agree that marijuana and alcohol have the same effect on students? 
How might schools have to adjust if marijuana is made legal? 

1 comment:

  1. I think you brought up very good arguments, Melissa. Marijuana is definitely a substance in which people argue the pros and cons. Some people view it as the lesser of two evils when comparing it to alcohol. As you stated, marijuana has definitely led to serious consequences for juveniles such as suspensions, probation, and time in juvenile detention. I definitely see how marijuana can seem beneficial but if marijuana is made legal there will be such heightened use right off the bat.
