Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Closing the achievement gap for disadvantage students

This article highlights the literacy gap in children who are disadvantage. Our economy is now requiring that literacy skills go beyond the third grade. This has been a major problem in the American school system.  Years ago children could get away with graduating by simply recognizing words. Many worked at jobs requiring limited to no skills or post degree education and received decent pay. Today, however, a bachelor's degree is almost equivalent to a high school diploma. So  literacy is required.

Additionally, the pattern for the high-poverty schools is qualified teacher transfer out for "better" opportunities leaving the schools with a high number of  new and inexperience teachers. The NCLB Act provides standards that are mandated by each State. The goal of the standardize is to improve a child's learning and simply pass them along.

Do you believe the NCLB helps or hurts that students? Do you think the standards are unrealistic?


  1. I think that idea of no child left behind had good intentions, but I think the implementation of it ends up hurting students. I know that schools now are doing the third grade guarantee where they get held back if they don't pass their state tests. Again, I think it is well intended, but not necessarily realistic or helpful. I understand that in order to show it's effectiveness, they need data to back it up and the best way to do it is by standardized tests. Unfortunately tests are not really a good way to test students' abilities.

  2. I agree with Robin, the intention was good however we are just pushing students though without making sure they comprehend what they have learned. It is really a sad reality because this is ulimately increasing the achievement gap in the end. I think more time and resources should be spent toward assisting children who are really struggling, so that they can understand and be successful.
