Thursday, March 20, 2014

Neighborhood Schools and Gang Activity in L.A.,0,6894934.story#axzz2wSsIWznq

The above article discusses the issue of neighborhood schools being moved around and the issue of heavy gang activity in the L.A. area. The two schools being forced to combine are located 2 miles apart but students explain the two schools as completely different worlds. The move will put two bitter rival communities in one campus. Roosevelt Academy's enrollment has been declining and they are asking to recruit kids from other neighboring schools as an alternative to combing the two neighborhood schools. Many experts say children not from the area will have no knowledge of what streets to avoid due to gang activity or what areas to avoid. The article discusses the issue of the school officials making these types of decisions without input from the children attending the schools or the parents. East L.A. is very territorial and this decision to merge the schools rather quietly could leave children in real danger. Often times school bureaucrats make decisions for school systems without the input of those truly involved in the school and who have a better understanding of the issues and concerns in the education system.

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