Thursday, March 13, 2014

Social Workers placed in Norfolk schools

Social workers to be placed in Norfolk’s schools to help identify needy children.

This article talks about placing social worker's in the Norfolk school systems to help cut down the number of children who are taken away from their families by placing someone in their life at an early stage. This helps the parents and the children have a early stepping stone available to help with issues they may not have been able to handle without a school social worker. It also mentions the training that teachers would be given from a social workers perspective to help in the classroom as well.
I think this is a great idea and that school social workers should be a permanent job and required within all schools, everywhere! They have other training that teachers may lack in and could help build better relationships in between the schools, families and the community. How do you feel about school social workers? And do you think this would be a wise investment overall to help or decrease negative outcomes for families in the long run?


  1. I agree Evin, school social workers need to be everywhere!
    School social workers can help on so many levels. Having an option to observe students in a natural setting, instead of say -office based, seems to be very valuable. Also, very helpful to have a social worker in the schools as a mediator for parent, principal, and teacher meetings.
    GREAT article.

  2. I agree with you. I believe it is important for schools to have social workers on staff. School social workers are able to provide an insight on students that teachers may not understand. I really believe that school social workers can benefit the youth struggling in schools.

  3. The earlier the intervention the better! I agree that parents who are expecting/delivering children need to have greater levels of support. Social Workers are in a key position to build trust with parents as they move through stages of development with their children. I am in a field placement as a Family Advocate in an early childhood center. Teachers as well as parents have come to me for support/interventions. Everyone needs support as we problem-solve together.

  4. I think this is a great idea! Early intervention is key. I especially find it very encouraging that teachers are being given training from a social work perspective. Teachers may just not know what to look for without it. It would be great if this could be more widely implemented throughout the country.
