Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Is DCFS diverting cases to save costs?


This article in the Chicago Tribune is sad to read about, yet believable at the same time. It discussed how the court will divert families to the probation area, which means they would not have to help out families financially. I feel it shows even more how money runs the world and what people and systems may do to save them, despite who or how it affects people. In the specific case they talked about a grandmother was willing to take in another grand child even under her physically setbacks and who was not asked to take in, yet DCFS put her through probate court, meaning she would have to support the children all by her self financially.

This is not a long term foster care for children and in turn are only hindering these children. These children who are helpless and are suppose to be taken care of and who were not asked to be brought into this world. I think a lot has more has to be done and considered within the system to make sure these children and people who actually want to help and try and make a better life for these kids. Another care giver who is not the biological parent is willing to take on another person and to raise them should receive assistance and help from the state. But, I am not sure how or what exactly could be done to ensure this. What could be some options and possibilities to make sure the state does not try and push these "families" away and leave the financial burden on them?


  1. After reading this I am disgusted that any Child Welfare system would do this. I believe the Child Welfare department should be giving all of the information on options for obtaining custody and letting the prospective new guardians know what each option entails. Essentially they are denying youth access to health care, mental health services, and to be financially sound. By pressuring these cases to go a different route it can lead to youth being placed in unfit environments which will eventually lead to having to get the department involved again w/ additional resources like counseling. They are just delaying the inevitable w/ having to provide resources even if they don't have to financially help. There should be an investigation done on a wide scale and then to overturn decisions due to the unethical nature of these rulings.

  2. It would be very difficult to work for an agency like that.
