Thursday, February 13, 2014

Underground Adoptions

I found this article when I was scanning through articles on Google about child welfare.  Children are being adopted, and then their adoptive parents are "re-homing" them to new families shortly after.  Many of these adoptive parents are unaware of the amount of work that is required to raise a child, and in turn give up shortly after.  Parents are advertising their adoptive children on sites such as Facebook and Yahoo, as if they were re-homing a pet.

Apparently this has been on the news quite a bit, but I had never heard of this before and am so shocked that this is occuring. Children are being put into dangerous situations, as the only paperwork that is involved is a notarized statement authorizing legal guardianship to the new adoptive parents who are receiving the child.  These children have no voice or say in what happens to them, many of them adopted from foreign countries and are in a new place on top of that.  There clearly needs to be tighter restrictions.


  1. This is disgusting. I have never heard of something like this happening before. When we think of adoption we think it is such a positive thing, a turning point in a childs life.The whole reason they are being adopted is for a better life and postive opportunities. But seeing the behind the scenes in situations like these is really discouraging. I can not imagine how scary this must be for these children.

  2. I have to agree with both Jillian and Carrie that this is absolutely appalling. Carrie points out a very valid point that we think of adoption as such a positive thing but clearly that isn't always the case. It's time to really start looking at how we can assure that adoption does equal positive things. What else can we do to ensure the quality of life for these children who have so little control over the things going on around them? This is absolutely horrifying and no child should have to experience it.

  3. Honestly, I am only surprised by the fact that is has not really been on the news but sad to say not too surprised about this happening. There has always seem to be a lot of issues when it comes to foster families,etc. in turns of abuse and what not. This is just a different form/way of hurting children (the key issue, who should be) but people are greedy and want to make money. They obviously do not truly care about helping these children and rather help themselves and make a profit in anyway they can. It is sad and I think a lot more needs to be done to put something like this out there and make people aware of what is happening and those involved punished.

  4. This is awful. I am surprised by this underground adoption. The perspective I have heard is the extreme challenge, paperwork, strict guild lines and waiting an adoptive parent is required to do before receiving a child. This might be the very reason why underground adoption is a booming business. Very sad.
